Thursday, December 15, 2011

social studies

1) How does religion influence the people of your civilization? 

- A way the religion influences the people of my civilization is the citizens know that if they follow the rules of the religion then the ruler or leader of the religion, like for example, God, will eventually grant you something good or you will go to Heaven.  It's these kinds of things that make people want to follow or study a religion more.

nts chapter 14 discussion

1) Describe Annemarie and Ellen’s relationship.

2) Think about the relationship you have with one of your best friends. Compare your friendship to Annemarie & Ellen’s friendship. How are your friendships similar? How are they different?

3) In chap. 3 Annemarie is asked whether she is willing to risk her life for her best friend. Would you be willing to die for your best friend? Explain

1)Annemarie and Ellen's relationship is super close.  They are best friends. 

2)A way my relationship with my best friend are like Annemarie and Ellen's relationship is we do almost everything together.  A way we are different from Annemarie and Ellen is we don't live in Denmark like them and we have the same colored hair, unlike Annemarie has blonde hair and Ellen has brown hair. 

3)The last question is a bit hard.  I am actually nit quite sure if I would die for my best friend?  I guess I would die for my best friend.   Actually, yes, yes I would.  Especially if it is this type of a situation.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

NTS chapter & discussion

Identify at least one example for each of the four types of figurative language we have studied in class. (Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, and Personification) Write the example, be sure to include the page number where you found it, and then explain in your own words what the author was trying to convey.

My first figurative language example is a metaphor.  "The God of Thunder made a very small rain shower in the corner of the kitchen floor." (pg. 70) The author is using a metaphor  to compare Thor's (Kirsti's cat) pee to a rain shower. He compared something wet that is descriptive to the pee.  Another figurative language example is a personification.  "...pictured a mound of frightened butter under military arrest." (pg.69) The author is using a personification to describe all the butter that has been taken and given to all the soldiers.  Another figurative language example that I have is a simile.  "...the one who looks like a silly giraffe." (pg.9) In this example of figurative language the author describing what a person looks like by comparing to something similar.  My last figurative language example is called a hyperbole.  "Annemarie's heart sank and she looked at her mother."  (pg.55)  I think the author is using hyperbole to really describe what Annemarie was feeling.