Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Tuck everlasting chapter 20-21

What motive did Mae Tuck have for killing the man in the yellow suit? Do you agree or disagree with her actions? Do you feel that this makes Mae a bad person? Be sure to answer each part of the question, and support your answers with details.

Mae's motive to kill the man in the yellow suit was becasue he was going to take Winnie away and he was going to try to sell the spring water.  I do not agree with what Mae's actions. I do not feel that this makes Mae a bad person. Mae has done so many wonderful things for her and her family.  I know this because the text says,"Please, child... dear, dear child...don't you be scared." (pg. 32)  This piece of evidence shows that Mae was trying to comfort winnie when they kidnapped her.  "Dear Lord, don't cry! Please don't cry, child!"  (pg. 34) I used this piece of evidence because it shows Mae taking care of Winnie.  "- and we'll take you back as soon as we can. Tomorrow. I promise." (pg. 34) This piece of evidence shows that Mae is promising and giving winnie hope.  All of these three pieces of evidence show that Mae is a great person and she has a good heart.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tuck Everlasting chap. 12

In chapter 12, Tuck tells Winnie, "You can't live without dying.  So you can't call it living, what we got.  We just are, we just be, like rocks beside a road."  What do you think Tuck is trying to tell Winnie about his life as an immortal?  support your answers with details from the text.  

I think what Tuck is trying to tell Winnie is the way he and his family are living is not a happy life most of the time.  I think this because throughout chapter 12, when Tuck is explaining to Winnie his family's lifestyle, he does not sound like the happiest person in the world.  I know this because the text says,"I want to grow again." He said fiercly. (pg.64)  But dying's apart of the wheel, right there next to being born.  Being part of the whole thing, that's a blessing.  But it's passing us by, us Tucks."(pg.63)  "And  people.  But never the same ones.  Always coming in new, always the way it's supposed to be."(pg.62)  I used these pieces of evidence because they are all about Tuck grieving over not being able to live a normal life and not being happy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tuck Everlasting assessment 1

In chapter 8 Mae Tuck says that the spring is a big dangerous secret.  Do you agree or disagree? Support your answer with reasons and examples.

I agree with Mae Tuck that the spring is a big dangerous secret.  I say this because for 1, if everybody in the whole wide world knew about it then all the parents of children will never have the oppurtunity to be a grandma or grandpa.  My second reason would be all the kids that drink it at their young age will never experience growing up and the good and bad sides of growing up.  Like, getting their driver's license or graduating from high school or college.  My 3rd and last reason would be everyone would live to the end of the world.  To me, that's pretty scary to think about.  A lot of people say that it will happen so fast that you won't even feel it, but it would be kind of scary to know that the world is going to end in however many days.