Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ch.17-18 discussion & questions

1. Why does Tomi risk going to Sand Island? What thoughts and feelings was he experiencing while going there? (Support your answers with details from the text.)

2. How did Tomi feel seeing his father in a concentration camp? What thoughts were running through his mind?
(Support your answers with details from the text.)

3. Put yourself in Tomi's shoes. How would you react if a member of your family were put in a concentration camp? (Elaborate on your answer.)

Tomi feels nervous about going to Sand Island.  I say this because the text says,"I could see their eyes staring at me even though they were staring straight ahead."  I used this piece of evidence because it shows that so many different emotions are going through Tomi's mind.  Also, he is getting very parinoid ever since what happened to his father.

When Tomi saw his father at concentration camp, Tomi felt scared. I say this because the text says,"I wanted to call out to him. ...But Grampa's words screamed through me: shoot you, shoot you, shoot you."  I used this piece of evidence because it shows that even though Tomi was very excited to finally see his dad, he was still worried one of the guards would get the wrong idea. 

If one of my very close family members were put into a concentration camp for doing nothing, I would feel devistated.  I would feel devistated because if I can't be with someone that I'm with and see everyday and one day they're just gone, I would be pretty upset.  Also, because it's not fun for some stranger to take away someone you love.

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